jamie cassell
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
the last week and a HALF in instagram
I'm just simply embarrassed. I said I'd update this more. I said I'd be more diligent. And look at me, 10 days later I update again. Ten days?!?! That's absolutely ridiculous. So since it's been literally a week and a half since I updated, I included NINE pictures in my post instead of SIX. That makes up for it, right? Right. I'll just keep telling myself that.
1. A small peek of the city, around the corner from my house.
2. A delicious treat my roomie and I made for 4/20.
3. My new favorite shirt. I like to call him galacti-cat.
4. I made a little pillow on a whim last week and put a little heart on the back.
5. My bed is a mix of old and new sheets, all ridiculously soft.
6. Me, post Planned Parenthood visit, in their 70's office building. Side note, support your local Planned Parenthood, especially if you need birth control and you're low on funds.
7. I found my new favorite BBQ in Charlotte: Queen City Q. Unfortunately, their service paaaaled in comparison with this delicious meal.
8. Fixing my forever favorite UO jeans. I've had these for 3 years and the only thing wrong with them was the button that had popped off. Replaced it with a vintage navy coat button. All fixed!
9. Oliver helping with laundry, his favorite thing to do. At first I wasn't going to include a photo of Oliver in this update. You see, I'm planning a whole post for him, but I just couldn't not post this with this collection of photos of my week. In fact, the majority of photos I took this past week and a half has been of Oliver, but I had to show SOME constraint. You know?
Are you my friend on instagram yet?? Follow me! User name: jamiecassell
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
the last week in instagram
1. An amazingly cool dawg mug I found at Value Village. His little face brightened my cup of coffee today.
2. The most beautiful plaid I may have ever found. It doesn't hurt that it was $2.50 and fits me perfectly.
3. I'm in love with my new sleeveless chambray sailboat top.
4. Welcome to the kitty claw salon.
5. Oliver is an excellent model. All I have to do is catch him doing something cute, call his name, and I'm pretty much guaranteed a great shot.
6. Great seats and a big old beer thanks to some great friends.
I've had an excellent week so far. Peter will be back from tour on Sunday, so I'm just sitting around counting down the days and planning surprises for his arrival home.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
starting over, again
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
decisions decisions, warby parker style.
Friday, August 19, 2011
spooky scary
I've been thinking about Halloween a lot lately. I guess I'm so over Summer I'm just ready for Fall and turning leaves and cooler weather. Usually I'm the type to figure out my costume VERY last minute and just throw it together with whatever is in my closet and a few accessories from a costume shop.
This year, I kind of want to go all out. I really have no inkling of an idea what I want to be, but I want to plan a little better so I can knock 'em dead (tee hee) for Halloween in Charlotte.
Anyone else know what they're doing for Halloween, or am I just thinking way too far ahead?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
new start
I'm trying this blog thing out again for the first time in years. My life isn't crazy, I'm not into high fashion, I don't moderate a successful etsy account, or have a slew of adorable children to brag about, but I do live a fairly simple life and hope you can relate to my daily musings around my new home of Charlotte, NC.
Hope you enjoy!